Writers are a funny breed. They are often depicted as eccentric recluses who go for days without eating, sleeping or bathing because they are completely obsessed with getting their ideas on paper. Musicians have a never ending love affair with the written word. After all, songwriters must be just as adept at putting words together as they are at putting chords, melodies and rhythms together. That is unless you're a musician focused solely on instrumental music. It's no surprise that the very best lyricists are also serious fans of books.
The lives of authors and the stories found in novels have inspired countless songs.However, for this playlist I wanted to put together songs that are specifically written about the act of writing itself, or the writer in general. As opposed to songs inspired by a particular novel or author..
What's your favorite song about writing?
Songs For Writers:
1. Every Day I Write The Book - Elvis Costello
2. Paperback Writer - Paul McCartney
3. Lady Writer - Dire Straits
4. Writer's Minor Holiday - Calexico
5. Shadow Stabbing - Cake
6. Dancing In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen
7. When I Write The Book - Nick Lowe
8. There She Goes, My Beautiful World - Nick Cave
9. Wrapped Up In Books - Belle and Sebastian
10. Screenwriters Blues - Soul Coughing
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